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The Inlaks-Ravi Sankaran Internship for Field Biology, Ecology & Conservation

The purpose of the internship is for recipients to gain experience and insight in field ecology and conservation beyond what they would ordinarily gather from an academic programme and to facilitate interaction with the larger international community involved in conservation science and implementation.

Viral Joshi, Inlaks-Ravi Sankaran Intern 2020

The programme funds selected individuals to carry out an internship abroad.

Application Status

Applications Closed for 2024

Applications will open in March 2025.

Duration and Value

Funding provided includes a stipend, internship fees (if any), and return airfare up to USD 10,000 for up to three months valid from six weeks up to a year, for a maximum of three months and must be utilised within nine months of the date of award, with a university research group, NGO, government agency or organization known for its work in conservation science and practice abroad.

Eligibility Criteria

  1. The applicant must be an Indian passport holder currently residing in India.

  2. The applicant must be born on or after 1st January 1994.

  3. Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in any subject.

  4. They must demonstrate deep interest in wildlife ecology and conservation through prior involvement in this field and their commitment to conservation and strongly justify how the opportunity will further conservation in India.

  5. The Foundation particularly seeks young applicants with bold and unconventional ideas for tackling conservation problems.

How To Apply

When the opportunity is open to new applications, clicking the 'Apply Now' link at the top of the page will provide access to the application form.

If the opportunity is closed and not accepting applications the 'Apply Now' link will not be visible.

For detailed instructions on the application process please the document to use as you complete the application.

About Dr. Ravi Sankaran

Dr. Ravi Sankaran (Oct 4, 1963–Jan 17, 2009) was an ornithologist who dedicated his life to biodiversity conservation throughout India, as a researcher, teacher, mentor, and finally, Director of the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History.

In the 1980s, as a graduate student at the Bombay Natural History Society, Ravi gained recognition for his pioneering research on the endangered Lesser Florican in western India. His research provided the basic framework for conservation of this endangered species, and of other species and habitats he studied subsequently. He was a tremendous source of inspiration to colleagues and students, and a prominent figure in the field of wildlife conservation in India.

In recent years his research focus was on the Andaman & Nicobar islands, a system with many threatened species including the Nicobar Megapode and the Indian Edible-nest Swiftlet. Ravi’s work on the Swiftlet provided crucial insights for the conservation of this species, and he was deeply involved in developing community-based conservation efforts including ranching / sustainable harvesting of these birds’ nests. This approach is radically different from the dominant preservationist approach in India, and illustrates Ravi’s distinct and balanced perspective on conservation.

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