Ecology, Conservation & Field Biology > How to apply (Internships and Small Grants)

An Internship with an institution abroad

Applications for 2024 Closed 

The programme will fund 1-2 candidates to carry out an internship, valid from six weeks upto a year, for a maximum of 3 months and must be utilised within 9 months of the date of award, with a university research group, NGO, government agency or organization known for its work in conservation science and practice abroad. The purpose of the internship is for recipients to gain experience and insight in field ecology and conservation beyond what they would ordinarily gather from an academic programme and to facilitate interaction with the larger international community involved in conservation science and implementation.

Funding provided includes a stipend, internship fees (if any), and return airfare upto max of USD 10,000 for upto 3 months


A short research or implementation project within India (Small Grants)

Applications for 2024 Closed

A short research or implementation project within India (Small Grants): The programme will fund up to 5 candidates who would like to undertake an initial project of up to a years’ duration that is expected to lead to a longer-term conservation science and/or implementation project. This initiative aims to provide “seed money” for projects that may have been viewed as unconventional in nature. Recipients of an initial small grant may apply for follow-up funding; when doing so, they must demonstrate the success of the pilot project and show how subsequent funding is essential to bring out the conservation benefits of the project. Activities funded by the Small Grants program should ordinarily be carried out in India. Where appropriate, applicants for a small grant are encouraged to consider and include the potential role that local communities can play in conservation. Applicants must demonstrate their commitment to conservation and strongly justify how these opportunities will further conservation in India. The programme particularly seeks young applicants with bold and unconventional ideas for tackling conservation issues. Funding provided includes a stipend and project expenses (not exceeding INR 3 lakh per year). All projects are tenable post August 1.


Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • The Internship opportunity and Small Grants are open to Indian passport holders resident in India at the time of application with a demonstrated deep interest in wildlife ecology and conservation through prior involvement in this field.
  • Applicants must have a Bachelors’ degree in any subject and must be below 30 years of age at the time of application.
  • Applicants must demonstrate their commitment to conservation and strongly justify how the opportunity will further conservation in India. The Foundation particularly seeks young applicants with bold and unconventional ideas for tackling conservation problems.
  • All the applications will be screened by a committee of experts and shortlisted candidates will be informed
  • Applicants for the Small Grants must submit a project proposal and a full budget along with the completed application form
  • Applicants for the Internship must submit their offer letter from the foreign institution along with the completed application form
  • Candidates that have been shortlisted for the Internship opportunity will have to attend an interview, either in-person or online. Details of which will be communicated.
  • The small grantees will be selected based on their project proposal only; no interviews will be conducted.
  • The Internship and Small Grant recipients must submit a detailed interim report and a final report at the end of their term. All reports must contain an accounting of funds spent.
  • Candidates will retain all rights over information generated during the tenure of the opportunity. They must acknowledge support received from the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation when and where they publish this work